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This page displays new, popular and top rated games. To filter the results, select any of the options in the sidebar below.

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New Popular Top Rated
In this activity it is time to practice your jumping, hopping and leaping!!
A really cool relay game that incorporates literacy! All that is needed for this game is bean bags with letters on them. If you do not have bean bags you can simply print and cut out letters on paper.
A great relay game that requires teamwork. All you need is a rubber chicken.
Two teams try to gain 3 in a row first via relay.
A fast paced dodgeball game focused on teamwork
Are the kids strong enough to knock over the statue?!
Great game to motivate children who love minecraft!
A fun relay game that focuses on rolling. Similar to bowling. Foam Blocks, Dodge balls and Bean Bags needed for this game. Poly spots or hoops may also be used to mark the starting spot.
Simply put, it's a race from point A to point B, grab a spooner board and you are ready to rock!
A warm up that requires creativity and guarantees laughs!
