
How to Start

This page displays new, popular and top rated games. To filter the results, select any of the options in the sidebar below.

A list of games should appear to the right which include the options and/or keywords you chose. From here you can select a specific game to view instructions, diagrams and videos.

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New Popular Top Rated
A simple activity that focuses on tracking, striking and coordination. A half noodle and balloon per child is all you need!
An amazing way to work on tracking with little ones.
A great fast paced dodgeball game that only requires two dodgeballs.
A warm up that requires creativity and guarantees laughs!
A team building relay race and all you need is a hula hoop for each participant plus one extra.
A fun game that gets the children running and crawling!
This game can either be used as a warn up game or a competitive game, all you need is a beach ball and some cones or tape to mark the playing area.
A fun activity where you make the parachute fly
Great for balance, coordination and rhythm.
A Dodge Ball type game where teams attempt to knock down each others pins. An excellent game to play to teach goalie or blocking skills.
