
How to Start

This page displays new, popular and top rated games. To filter the results, select any of the options in the sidebar below.

A list of games should appear to the right which include the options and/or keywords you chose. From here you can select a specific game to view instructions, diagrams and videos.

If you want to start over and reset your search options, simply hit the reset search button.

New Popular Top Rated
A dodgeball style game that helps kids learn the voices of their friends.
Try these silly relays to get children laughing!
Great parachute game that will get your children running!
This sword game will be a favorite!
A fun activity that works on team work and hand eye coordination.
A great relay game that works on strength!
a fun song to practice locomotor skills
A simple version of golf using rackets for golf clubs, birdies for golf balls, hula hoops for holes, and mats as the obstacles of the course (lay a mat down to create a water trap/ sand trap, stand a mat on its side to create a rough, and stand them up to create trees).
A great warm up game that gets kids running.
A fun warm up game that involves bunnies and bullfrogs chasing each other!
