Game Description:
Fun filler game when you have dodgeballs out!
Try different dodgeball challenges to win person points.
Game Rules:
When you have a bunch of dodgeballs out, ask students to get 1 ball per person or partnership. Engage students in a variety of different challenges with the balls. Then ask them to create their own challenge for someone else.
Challenge examples:
-Throw the ball up and clap hands before catching.
-Place the ball in-between legs, jump up and try to catch the ball.
-Place the ball in-between legs, jump up while kicking legs to the back while trying to catch the ball.
- Roll the ball down your arm or leg and remain in control.
Saftey Considerations:
Make sure everyone has space between each other and are not throwing balls at each other during challenge time.
Progression (optional):
Make any progressions to fit the needs of your group!