Parachute Volleyball

Game Description: 
A teamwork based parachute game
to keep the ball on (or off) the parachute
Game Rules: 
Divide kids into two teams. Team 1 will try to keep the ball on the parachute, Team 2 will try to knock it off. Swtich teams after 2 minutes.
Progression (optional): 
to make the game more challenging, do not allow teammates to stand next to each other around the parachute (it would look like this: team 1 - team 2 - team 1 - team 2 )
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7 to 9 years
10 to 12 years
13 to 15 years
16 to 17 years
Type of Activity: 
Co-operative / Team Building / Ice Breaker
Skill instruction
Space Needed: 
Large Space (Gym, Multipurpose Room, Playroom)
Medium Space (Classroom, Empty Room)
Equipment Needed: 
Gym Equipment (Goals, Matts, Beams, Hoops, Balls, Parachutes, Bats, Racquets, Cones)
How Many Leaders are Needed: 
Only 1
How Big of a Group is Needed: 
Medium group (6 - 15 kids)
Types of Skills Practiced: 