Build a Snowman Relay

Game Description: 
Fun winter themed relay race!
Make a snowman with the gym equipment before the other teams.
Game Rules: 
Separate children into teams of about 3-4 kids per team. Kids run one at a time to grab one piece of gym equipment placed at the other side of the gym. They must high five the next person in line for their team mate to go next. This continues until all equipment pieces are brought to each teams homes. The first team to make a snowman wins the race.
Saftey Considerations: 
Make sure shoe laces are tied.
Adaptations (optional): 
Try playing rounds where children can only gallop or skip.
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7 to 9 years
10 to 12 years
Type of Activity: 
Multi-skill game
Space Needed: 
Large Space (Gym, Multipurpose Room, Playroom)
Medium Space (Classroom, Empty Room)
Equipment Needed: 
Gym Equipment (Goals, Matts, Beams, Hoops, Balls, Parachutes, Bats, Racquets, Cones)
How Many Leaders are Needed: 
Only 1
How Big of a Group is Needed: 
Medium group (6 - 15 kids)
Large group (16+ kids)
Types of Skills Practiced: 