I say You go!

Game Description: 
A great warm-up game for your brain, all you need to know is Left and Right!
To follow the confusing instructions called our by the leader
Game Rules: 
Setup: Have everybody stand in a large circle Level #1 The leader calls out a direction (Left, Right, Forward and Backward) and the participants take a step in that direction. Level #2 The leader calls out a direction and the participants step in the opposite direction. Level #3 The leader calls out a direction, the participants call out the same direction and take a step in the opposite direction. (Don’t listen to the leader, listen to yourself) Level #4 The leader calls out a direction, the participants call out the opposite direction but goes the direction that the leader calls out. (Listen to the leader, not yourself).
Saftey Considerations: 
Make sure there is enough room around the circle to take a few step backwards.
Average: 4.3 (7 votes)
7 to 9 years
10 to 12 years
13 to 15 years
16 to 17 years
Type of Activity: 
Co-operative / Team Building / Ice Breaker
Warm up/Cool down
Space Needed: 
Large Space (Gym, Multipurpose Room, Playroom)
Medium Space (Classroom, Empty Room)
Field / Park
Equipment Needed: 
How Many Leaders are Needed: 
Only 1
How Big of a Group is Needed: 
Medium group (6 - 15 kids)
Large group (16+ kids)