Clean Your Room

Game Description: 
A game that works on throwing skills!
The goal is to have very little or no "stuff" in your room by the end of the game!
Game Rules: 
Randomly spread equipment across the play area. Then create a middle line to create the areas for each teams room! Spilt the group into two teams. On the leaders whistle, have children try to throw, one at a time, as many things as possible into the other teams room. After a certain amount of time the leader will blow the whistle again. The team with the cleanest room (less stuff on their side) is the winner! Remind children to throw as far as possible to make it more difficult for the other team.
Progression (optional): 
Try only throwing with the opposite hand.
Average: 3 (5 votes)
4 to 6 years
7 to 9 years
10 to 12 years
13 to 15 years
16 to 17 years
Type of Activity: 
Co-operative / Team Building / Ice Breaker
Multi-skill game
Space Needed: 
Large Space (Gym, Multipurpose Room, Playroom)
Field / Park
Equipment Needed: 
Low Key (Balls, Balloons, Skipping ropes, Hoops)
How Many Leaders are Needed: 
Only 1
How Big of a Group is Needed: 
Medium group (6 - 15 kids)
Large group (16+ kids)
Types of Skills Practiced: 