Fox in the Henhouse

Game Description: 
A fun tag game, foxes and chickens!
Learn fundamental movement skills; focus on agility and speed.
Game Rules: 
Identify 2 to 5 players as "it", they are the fox(es). All other players are the "chickens". The chickens must stay away from the foxes and avoid being tagged. The foxes can only move around the gym by following the lines on the gym floor. If a fox tags a chicken, the chicken must sit down. A chicken can save another chicken by tapping them on the head.
Progression (optional): 
Variation: - All players can only move around the gym by following the lines on the gym floor. When a player is tagged, they sit down on the line; these players become "roadblocks" and others cannot pass by them OR these players can be saved with a tap on their head. - If a fox tags a chicken, the chicken becomes a fox.
Average: 3.6 (5 votes)
4 to 6 years
7 to 9 years
10 to 12 years
13 to 15 years
16 to 17 years
Type of Activity: 
Co-operative / Team Building / Ice Breaker
Warm up/Cool down
Space Needed: 
Large Space (Gym, Multipurpose Room, Playroom)
Medium Space (Classroom, Empty Room)
Field / Park
Equipment Needed: 
Low Key (Balls, Balloons, Skipping ropes, Hoops)
How Many Leaders are Needed: 
Only 1
How Big of a Group is Needed: 
Small group (3-5 kids)
Medium group (6 - 15 kids)
Large group (16+ kids)
Types of Skills Practiced: 