Game Description:
A bean-bag stealing warm-up that will get kids running!
To have the least number of beanbags in your team’s corner when the time is up.
Game Rules:
Create a 40’ x 40’ square with 4 cones and divide children so there are groups at each cone. Stipulate a time (3-5 minutes) for the game. Each group will have the same number of beanbags on the ground (3-5 works well!). On “GO,” each child runs with a beanbag and puts it in another team’s corner. They can also pick up a beanbag while there and put it in another team’s corner. Children can remove beanbags from their corner and place them in another team’s corner. Each child can only move 1 beanbag at a time.
Saftey Considerations:
Remind children of heads up running.
Adaptations (optional):
Each group can designate a ‘defender’ (wears a pinny), who is able defend their corner by tagging oncoming children. Once tagged, the child must give their beanbag to the defender who must bring it to a different group’s corner.
Progression (optional):
Different locomotion (hopping, skipping, galloping, jumping).