Game Description:
A tag game where each player gets a bean bag and attempts to tag the others by sliding the bean bag on the floor at their feet.
To avoid getting hit in the foot by a bean bag, and to attempt to hit another participant on the foot with a bean bag.
Game Rules:
Every student gets a beanbag. Players tag each other by sliding the beanbag on the gym floor and hitting another individual in the foot with the beanbag. If a player gets hit in the foot with the beanbag they will go down on one knee and place their bean bag on their shoulder. They get back into the game when another player takes the bean bag off their shoulder and places it into their hand. When a child is saved by another participant they will say 'thank you' and then re-join the game.
Saftey Considerations:
Remind participants to watch where they step because there will be a lot of bean bags on the floor.
Adaptations (optional):
Means of transportation can be changes (run, gallop, skip, jump, hop, etc.)
Progression (optional):
For the older children you can create teams. The team with the least amount of players hit in the foot wins!