Tennis Ball Toss

Game Description: 
A simple toss and catch game, all you need is a tennis ball and wall to throw your ball at.
Catch your ball after it hits the wall.
Game Rules: 
Have children stand about five to ten feet away from the wall, Give them each a tennis ball and instruct them to throw the ball at the wall and then catch it when it comes back to them. This is a great opportunity for you to give them key pointers when assessing their throw. Things to keep in mind are to remind the children to step forward with their opposite foot, to reach back during the wind up and to follow through by pointing their hand towards the target.
Progression (optional): 
Allow the ball to bounce once to make it easier. Encourage the children to throw with their non-dominant hand as well.
Average: 3.7 (3 votes)
7 to 9 years
10 to 12 years
Type of Activity: 
Skill instruction
Equipment Needed: 
Low Key (Balls, Balloons, Skipping ropes, Hoops)
How Many Leaders are Needed: 
Only 1
How Big of a Group is Needed: 
Small group (3-5 kids)
Medium group (6 - 15 kids)
Types of Skills Practiced: 