Game Description:
A fun way to get kids moving in different ways and to create partners!
Move around until the leader calls out toe touch.
Game Rules:
The leader yells out a movement skill like gallop, all the children have to gallop around until the leader yells toe touch! Once yelled the children must find the person closet to them and touch toes.
Saftey Considerations:
Keep your heads up!
Adaptations (optional):
You can call out different movement skills like run, skip, hop, gallop, bear walk, crab walk, and frog hop. If you have older kids you can try backwards walking.
You can also ask for the kids to make a star for making groups of five.
Progression (optional):
You can make it more competitive by adding an elimination component. Once partnered up, have the kids compete in rock paper scissors, the individual who looses rock paper scissors sits down. This continues until there is one victor.