
How to Start

This page displays new, popular and top rated games. To filter the results, select any of the options in the sidebar below.

A list of games should appear to the right which include the options and/or keywords you chose. From here you can select a specific game to view instructions, diagrams and videos.

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New Popular Top Rated
A fun activity to play with children that involves music, creativity, and rhythm.
A simple game for little ones, with very little rules but a lot of throwing and running!
A fast paced game that combines the elements of soccer and basketball.
A nice warm up game for children aged 2-5. At least one bean bag per child and one bucket is needed.
Great warm-up or cool-down game to practice tracking, throwing, and catching.
A modified version of Ultimate Frisbee but instead of a Frisbee this game is played with a rubber Chicken.
Get sharpened in this fun warm up game!
A simple tag game to get kids moving and working as a team.
A fun game where you cheer on team mates.
A great game for children to play that requires fast thinking and speed.
